

Protection against risks to property, such as fire, theft and physical damage, is a pre-requisite for most commercial businesses.

Our property account includes contracts from single layer covers to large complex risks, catastrophe programmes and quota share treaties placed with a substantial number of reinsurers.

  • Property
  • Physical Loss or Damage
  • Increased Cost of Working
  • Property Damage & Business Interruption

Key Contacts

Jon Threader
Tel: +44 20 7469 5540
[email protected]

Carl Hatt
Tel: +44 20 7469 5538
[email protected]

Shirly Wiesel
Tel: +44 20 7469 5520
[email protected]

Visit us at:

68 Cornhill London EC3V 3QX

Have a question? Call us

+44 20 7283 6644

We are open

Monday–Friday: 09:00–17:00

Stay in Touch

Email: [email protected]